Lady Superstar Nayanthara's 75 film 'Annapoorani - The Goddess of Food', billed to be a family entertainer. The makers announced that the film is slated to hit big screens on December 01. The makers dropped a brand-new poster in which Nayanthara is seen serving up a feast and standing with a ladle.
The film is directed by Nilesh Krishnaa in his directorial debut and will mark the reunion of Jai and Nayanthara after a decade. In addition, the film also stars Sathyaraj, Achyuth Kumar, Kumari Sachu, KS Ravikumar, Redin Kingsly, Karthik Kumar and Suresh Chakkaravarthy. The film’s music has been composed by 'Varisu' composer Thaman.
The film is backed by Zee Studios, Naad SStudios and Trident Arts.