The trailer of Sathish's upcoming Conjuring Kannappan is out. The film marks the debut venture of Selvin Raj Xavier, a former assistant to directors Chimbu Deven and Sumanth Radhakrishnan.
Comedy actor Sathish playing the lead role. Regina Cassandra plays the leading lady in the horror comedy. With a slew of comedians in the film, including Nasser, Anand Raj, Saranya Ponvannan, VTV Ganesh, Redin Kingsley, Naane Varuvaen-fame Elli AvrRam, Jason Shah, Benedict Garrett, Namo Narayana, and Adithya Kathir, the film is billed as a laugh riot.
The trailer, which spans 2 minutes 27 seconds, shows Sathish’s character getting a recurring dream in which he is stuck inside haunted mansion and if he dies in his dream, so will he in his real life. As he tries to figure out his situation, he discovers that the chain of events is a reaction after he plucked out a feature from dream catcher.
The film marks the 24th production venture of AGS Entertainments. Conjuring Kannappan has been shot in Chennai on huge sets resembling ancient buildings. The post-theatrical digital rights of the film have been bagged by Netflix. The flick planning to release on this NOVEMBER 2023.